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Why we have added this?

We simply believe in complete solutions as far as practicable. Simple guidance can help a lot . As per our experience for over the years in crucial moments – an insured person gong to be hospitalized many times faces harassment even they have right plans mediclaims. So we have added this information service and guidance on primary basis of claims experience.

Simply call us: 933 11 22 333 or make an whatsapp 898 100 4007 .

Disclaimer: FINCLAIM Team will not involve in Insured person /family ,s doctors advise and medical procedure as they /patient party have procured/abided by/ with with medical guidance. .

  • Ambulance support
  • Home health care
  • Home hospital accommodation
  • Medicines and accessories support
  • list of doctors in select hospitals in kolkata
  • Support of senior care
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Welcome to FNCLAIM. We are in whatsapp 8981004007 . Please maintain a office time to take a service from us. You can have sms after each conversation with us. Please book appointment schedule for service you need to take.

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